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Technologies of Infinity™ is a new start-up with an extensive history formed by its founder, Marshall Barnes, R&D Eng. Technologies of Infinity™ stands as a truly 21st century business because it already has advanced concept technologies that you would expect to exist in the 21st century – but exist no where else, and the reason it has them already is due to Marshall’s relentless, decades long exploration of creativity, innovation and the search for the lengths to which the known boundaries of physical reality can be pushed.

It is the full intention of Technologies of Infinity™ to deliver the kinds of breakthroughs currently promoted by others, such as To The Stars Academy and the Hover Brothers, but with several major differences:

  1. We’re not trying to raise millions of dollars. We don’t need to. We have a viable business model predicated on the fact that we already have breakthrough technologies ready to go to market and be monetized in other ways.
  2. We have paths now for multiple revenue streams, not only because we’re involved in more areas than our competition, but because we have multiple ways of monetizing each one. Here’s a real life example – Elon Musk recently put a Tesla sports car in orbit as a demonstration of his rocket’s heavy launch capability. Although a number of photos of the car, with its “starman” behind the wheel, have been released, Marshall immediately saw a missed opportunity to monetize the stunt by having a special sponsored web site where people could see views of space and the Earth from the orbiting car via embedded cameras that would show a variety of views that visitors could select from and view full screen.  Or even shoot a documentary of the entire project and include the best footage from the orbiting Tesla in it. These are the kinds of things that flash naturally through Marshall mind and the ways in which Technologies of Infinity™ will make money at every turn.

To fully appreciate, how this is all possible, you must first appreciate the mind of Marshall Barnes. He is probably unlike anyone you have ever known. 



Marshall Barnes, R&D Eng